God made each of us unique, and we should always remember to love each moment of our life because life is a succession of such unique moments, and to live each, is to succeed.
With an elated heart, I am feeling gratified to be a part of DAV Bankhandi family. The efforts & endeavours of DAV Bankhandi family in imparting quality education to its children are applaudable. I am sure that keeping our aspirations high, we all will carry forward our endeavours in facilitating these children with the best we have in our treasure of knowledge.
Every minute is an opportunity, a possibility, a potentiality for an exciting exploration of something new. The only thing we need is proper planning and best implementation of our plans to take DAV Bankhandi to the acme of success.
I asked a man what made his life so radiant and bright. He answered, “Looking, looking towards the light! Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant an apple tree.
This faith is the seed of success. This faith in our hard work will bring a tremendous success to DAV Bankhandi.
Because Together we can
& Together we will.
Jai Hind
Subhash Sharma